Punjab PSC JE Syllabus 2020 PPSC Jr. Engineer Exam Pattern

Punjab PSC JE Syllabus 2020 PPSC Jr. Engineer Exam Pattern

December 2, 2020

Punjab PSC JE Syllabus 2020 PPSC Jr. Engineer Exam Pattern

Questions from the syllabus of Subject 100 Questions from Logical Reasoning, Mental ability and General Knowledge 20 50 marks Qualifying Marks :
No candidate shall be eligible to be appointed unless he/she obtains 45% marks in the written competitive examination (read 40% for the candidates belonging to Schedules Caste of Punjab and Backward Classes of Punjab ). Exam Syllabus :
Exam Syllabus for Examination is given below :- Syllabus of Civil Engineers for the Posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) ENGINEERING DRAWING: Lettering Technique and Practice, Dimensioning Techniques (Necessity of dimensioning, method and principles of dimensioning etc.), Scales (need and importance of scales, Drawing of plain and diagonal scales etc.), Projections, Sections, Symbols and Conventions. APPLIED MECHANICS: Introduction, Laws of forces, Moment, Friction, Centre of Gravity etc. FLUID MECHANICS: Introduction, Properties of Fluids, Hydrostatic Pressure, Measurement of Pressure, Fundamentals of Fluid Flow (Types of Flow, Discharge, hydraulic energy, Bernoulli’s theorem etc.), Flow Measurements (brief description with simple numerical problems, Venturimeter, Pitot tube, Orifice, Current meters, Notches etc.), Flow through Pipes (Definition of pipe flow; Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow, Critical velocity and velocity distributions in a pipe for laminar flow, Head loss in pipe lines, Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line, Pipes in series and parallel, Water hammer phenomenon etc.), Flow through open channels (uniform and non-uniform flow, discharge through channels using Chezy’s formula and Manning’s formula,Most economical sections, rectangular, trapezoidal and circular etc.), Hydraulic Pumps and motors (types, uses and efficiency etc.) SURVEYING: Basic principles of surveying, Concept and purpose, Instruments used for taking these measurements etc., Chain surveying, Compass surveying, Levelling, Plane Table Surveying, Total Station Method,Auto Level, Contouring, Theodolite Surveying, Tacho-metric surveying, Curves, Digital Survey,Introduction to the use of Modern Surveying equipment and techniques, Total Stations etc. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS& BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: General characteristics of stones, Requirements of good building stones, Identification of common building stones, Bricks and Tiles, Cement (Various types of Cements, Properties of cement etc.), Lime, Timber and Wood Based Products, Paints and Varnishes, Miscellaneous Materials etc., Introduction to Building Construction, Foundation, Walls, Masonry, Arches and Lintels, Doors, Windows and Ventilators, Damp Proofing and Water Proofing, Floors, Roofs, Stairs, Anti Termite Measures, Building Planning etc. Concrete, uses of concrete in comparison to other building materials, Ingredients of Concrete, Properties of Concrete, proportioning for Normal Concrete, Introduction to Admixtures for improving performance of concrete, Special Concretes (Concreting under special conditions, difficulties and precautions before, during and after concreting, Ready mix concrete, Fibre reinforced concrete, Polymer Concrete, Fly ash concrete, Sillica fume concrete etc.), Concreting Operations (Storing of Cement, Storing of Aggregate, Batching, Mixing, Transportation of concrete, Placement of concrete, Compaction, Curing, Jointing, Defects in concrete etc.). STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING : Simple stresses and strains, Elasticity, Hooke’s Law, Moduli of Elasticity and Rigidity. Stresses and strains of homogeneous materials and composite sections. Types of beams and supports and loads, Concept of bending moment and shear force. Bending moment and shear force diagrams for simple cases. Deflection in beams. Moment area theorem, Bending and shear stresses in circular, rectangular, T and L sections, Introduction to I.S:456 (latest edition), Design of singly and doubly Reinforced beams, Design of Columns-Types of Columns. Short and long column, load carrying capacity, effective length of column, lateral and helical ties. I.S. Specifications for reinforcement detailing. Design of slabs types of slabs, one- way slab, two- way slab, I.S. specifications for Reinforcement detailing method of design as per I.S. code. Design of foundations-isolated footing rectangular footing, square footings, circular footings. Design of tension members in structural steel, gross area, net area, tension splice, Design of compression members, column splice, load carrying capacities.Design of beams in structural steel, Basic concept of prestressed concrete, advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with RCC application of prestressed to various building elements, bridges, water tanks and precast elements, Materials, Prestressing Methods, Bending and Shear Capacity, Losses in Prestressing etc. EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: Elements of Engineering Seismology, Performance of building during earthquakes and Mode of failure, Special construction method, tips and precautions to be observed while planning, designing and construction of earthquake resistant building, Introduction to IS: 4326, IS: 13828, IS: 1893(Part 1), 154326 and IS: 13920 (latest edition), Seismic Provision of Strengthening and Retrofitting Measures for Traditionally- Built Constructions, Brick and RCC Structures, Provision of reinforcement detailing in masonry and RC constructions. WATER SUPPLY AND WASTE WATER ENGINEERING: Water Supply- Water requirement, Rate of demand and supply, Per capita consumption, Population Forecasting etc., Physical, Chemical and bacteriological properties, Standard of potable water as per Indian Standard etc., Water Treatment including Sedimentation, Coagulation, flocculation, Filtration, disinfection of water, chlorination, Water treatment plants, R.O.s etc., Different types of pipes, fire hydrants, water meters their working and uses, Distribution system etc., Laying out Pipes Waste Water Engineering- Definition of terms in sanitary engineering, Surface drains, Types of sewage, Sewerage, Laying and Construction of Sewers, Sewage characteristics (Properties of sewage as per IS standards), Natural Methods of Sewerage Disposal, Sewage Treatment, BOD, COD, Building Drainage (Different sanitary fittings and installations, Traps, seals, Testing of house drainage etc.), Drains and Sewers, Traps, inspection chamber, Septic Tank and Soak Pit, Bath room and W.C connections etc. SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING: Physical Properties of Soils, Classification and Identification of Soils, Permeability and its importance, Effective Stress, Strength Characteristics of Soils, Compaction, Bearing Capacity of soil, Concept of shallow and deep foundation; types of shallow foundations and their suitability. Factors affecting the depth of shallow foundations, deep foundations, type of piles and their suitability; pile classification on the basis of material, pile group and pile cap etc. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING : Introduction of Transportation Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Road materials, Geometric design, Design of flexible and rigid pavements, Road maintenance, Railway Engineering Rails, Sleepers, ballast, points and crossing, Track laying and track maintenance. IRRIGATION ENGINEERING : Introduction to irrigation, methods of irrigation, tube well irrigation, tank irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, water logging, design of irrigation canals and irrigation outlets. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: Importance of Environmental Engineering, Water Pollution (Causes lakes and its preventing measure, BIS standards for water quality etc.), Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, Effects of mining, blasting and deforestation, Land Use (land use and natural disasters, landslides etc.) soil degradation problems – erosion, water logging, soil pollution etc.), Environmental Impact Assessment, Legislation to Control Environmental Pollution (Indian legislative acts for water, land and air pollution control – provisions, scope and implementation etc.), Renewable Source of Energy etc. QUANTITY SURVEYING AND VALUATION : Introduction to quantity surveying and its importance, duties of quantity surveyor, types of estimates, measurement, preparation of detailed and abstract, estimates from drawings, calculation of quantities of materials, analysis of rates, contractorship, preparation of tender document based on Common Schedule of Rates (CSR). REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS : Need for maintenance, agencies causing deterioration (sources, causes, effects), investigation and diagnosis of defects, defects and their root causes, materials for repair, maintenance and protection, remedial measures for building defects, surface preparation techniques for repair, crack repair methods, repair of surface defects of concrete, repair of corrosion in RCC elements, repair of DPC against rising dampness, repair of walls, waterproofing of wet areas and roofs, repair of joints in buildings etc. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTS: Construction Planning, CPM, PERT, site organization, Construction Labour (Labour Welfare Fund Act 1936 (as amended), Payment of Wages Act 1936 (as amended), Minimum Wages Act 1948 (as amended), control of progress, inspection and quality control, accidents and safety in construction, accounts, public work accounts, request for quotation, bill of quantities, measurement book, indent book, material at site register. BASICS OF MANAGEMENT: Introduction, Leadership, Motivation, Ethics and Values, Team related skills- sympathy, empathy, co-operation, concern, lead and negotiate, work well with people from culturally diverse background, Communication in group – conversation and listening skills, Task Initiation, Task Planning, Task execution, Task close out, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Need, various types of customers, customer satisfaction, life- long customer, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and its significance, Elementary knowledge of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Excise Duty, Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance Act, Labour welfare schemes, Labour laws, worker and public safety techniques, systems of wage payment, incentives, Factory Act 1948 with special reference to health, safety and welfare measures, working hours, annual leave with wages, Payment of Wages Act1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, safeguards in construction practices, Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM), Community Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation, Roll of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation etc. Syllabus of Mechanical/ Electronic Engineers for the Posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical/ Electronic Engineers) ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING: Basic electrical quantities, DC Circuits, Ohm’s law, resistances in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications in solving electrical network problems, Network theorems such as Thevenin’s theorem, superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem and Norton’s theorem, Star-delta transformation. Current and voltage sources and their conversion.Semi-conductor Theory – Atomic structure and Energy band theory, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors and effect of temperature on them; Semiconductor Diodes, forward and reverse biasing of a PN junction, Breakdown mechanism; characteristics, static and dynamic resistance; Half wave and full wave rectifiers using diodes, PNP and NPN transistors, Transistor configurations: common base (CB), common emitter (CE) and common collector (CC), Transistor Biasing and Stabilization, operating point and effect of temperature, Single-Stage Transistor Amplifiers – Concept of DC and AC load line, Voltage gain, Concept of input and output impedance, AC equivalent circuit, voltage gain, Frequency RC coupled two-stage and direct coupled amplifier, Construction, operation, characteristics and applications of JFET and MOSFET ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND MACHINES: Concept of alternating current and voltage, average value, r.m.s value, form factor, power factor etc., Phasor algebra, AC Circuits, susceptance, conductance and admittance, Active and reactive components of current and their significance, Power, Power factor and its significance, Resonance in series and parallel circuits. Faraday’s laws, magnetization curve, constructional features of generators and motors, D.C. Machine : basic principles, emf equation, description of different parts and working, different types, characteristics and applications of D.C. machines. Transformers: Constructional details: selection of core material and winding materials, insulating materials, core and coil construction, 1-phase Transformers: E.m.f. equation, phasor diagram under no-load and load conditions, equivalent circuit and circuit parameters, Regulation, Losses and efficiency (including all-day efficiency), S.C. and O.C. Distribution and power transformers, 1-phase Autotransformer, Three- phase transformer: Single unit or 3 single-phase units connections, Vector grouping, Scott-connected transformer, 3-phase transformers in parallel. ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Thermodynamics : Energy, laws of Thermodynamics, Heat and work, Enthalpy. Reversible and irreversible processes, Entropy, Description of various Types of Boilers. Basic concepts of Thermal conduction, convection and radiation. Concept of black opaque and white bodies, Stefan Boltzman’s laws. Strength of Materials: Concept of Bending Moment and Shear Force, Bending Moment and Shear Force diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported beams to concentrated loads, Concept of Torsion and equation of torsion for circular shaft, Close coiled spring for axial load, Stiffness of spring, angle of twist and proof resilience. MANUFACTURING PROCESSES : Dry sand and green sand casting: casting defects: Die casting, Continues casting and Centrifugal casting, Welding Process: Gas welding, Arc welding, Resistance welding; Thermit Welding: Soldering, Welding defect and precautions, Elements of metal cutting tools, tool geometry, cutting fluids, lathe and milling operations: Grinding process, grinding wheel: gear generation processes; Electric discharge machinery, ultrasonic machining, electrochemical grinding, Forming processes: Hot and Cold working: Rolling: Punching blanking, shearing. ENGINEERING MATERIALS : Introduction of Engineering materials, Ferrous materials, alloying materials, Non-Ferrous metals, aluminum and its alloys, High speed steel, Plastic materials, hardening and hardening processes, Time temperature transformation curve. MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Static and dynamic characteristics, Classification of electrical measuring instruments, Deflection torque and methods of production, controlling torque and controlling system, Damping torque & methods of damping, Different types of instruments: Construction & operating principle, Merits and demerits, Errors and remedies, Thermocouple instruments. Digital instruments: Voltmeter, ammeter, multimeter, energy-meter; Wheatstone bridge.Standard of measurements, Line and wave lengths, Limits and tolerances, Angular measurements, Slip gauges, Screw thread measurement: Major and minor diameters, Pitch, Angle and effective diameter. Types of comparators: Mechanical, electrical, and optical type, Wire gauge, Feeler gauge, Toolmaker’s Microscope. Measurement of Displacement and Strain : Wire wound potentiometer, LVDT, strain gauges and their different types such as inductance type, resistive type, wire and foil type etc. Gauge factor, gauge materials, and their selections. BASICS OF MANAGEMENT: Introduction, Leadership, Motivation, Ethics and Values, Team related skills- sympathy, empathy, co-operation, concern, lead and negotiate, work well with people from culturally diverse background, Communication in group – conversation and listening skills, Task Initiation, Task Planning, Task execution, Task close out, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Need, various types of customers, customer satisfaction, life- long customer, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and its significance, Elementary knowledge of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Excise Duty, Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance Act, Labour welfare schemes, Labour laws, worker and public safety techniques, systems of wage payment, incentives, Factory Act 1948 with special reference to health, safety and welfare measures, working hours, annual leave with wages, Payment of Wages Act1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, safeguards in construction practices, Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM), Community Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation, Roll of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation etc. Final Words :
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Candidates can leave your comments in the comment box r egarding Punjab PSC JE Syllabus. Any query & Comment will be highly welcomed. Our Panel will try to solve your query. Keep Updating Yourself. FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) What is the Selection Process of Punjab PSC JE? Written Exam. What is the Exam Pattern for Punjab PSC Junior Engineer? Exam Will be Objective Type.The Exam will be of 300 Marks.The pattern for written exam comprising of 120 questionsNegative Marking Will be of @2.5 marks for each question.Time allotted Will be 2 Hours. What is the Detailed Punjab PSC JE Syllabus? What is the Time Allocated for Punjab PSC JE Exam? Time allotted Will be 2 Hours. How many Questions will be there in Punjab PSC Junior Engineer Exam? 120 Questions. What will be the Maximum Marks for Punjab PSC Junior Engineer Exam? 300 Is there any negative marking for the Wrong Answers? There will be no negative marking in the written test, for questions wrongly answered or questions not answered. What are the Minimum Qualifying Marks IN Punjab PSC JE Syllabus? He/She Must obtains 45% marks in the written competitive examination (read 40% for the candidates belonging to Schedules Caste of Punjab and Backward Classes of Punjab).

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